InBeetween – ZwischenRaum


InBetween – ZwischenRaum

Museum Ritter

2018 Größe: 325 x 500 x 1690 cm

Fotograf: Franz Wamhof


For the exhibition Urban Systems, Ulrich Wagner has devised a monumental, hermetically sealed light room that runs through the ground floor of the museum like a bolt of black lightning. On entering this portal, one is instantly drawn into a seemingly never-ending stream of rhythmically arranged grid patterns, rectangles and squares. A tracery of coloured networks opens up to the viewer and creates a space made of emblematic forms that produce a magically glowing, virtual cosmos. Wagner’s new light room InBetween – ZwischenRaum is augmented by a selection of no-less fascinating works on handmade paper and acrylic glass which Wagner has made over the last twelve years. They testify to his creative diversity and the mastery that he has acquired over the years with his chosen materials. 

Text: Museum Ritter

InBetween -ZwischenRaum 

Entwurfszeichnung: InBetween -ZwischenRaum 

   Museum  Ritter Entwurf














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